Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yeah so i am really bored.....why not blog???
ok so list of things I've been up too:
-playing bass and guitar
-learning to sing
-writing songs
-trying to get this so called band "Seven Years Apart" going and together but well if we were together we could say we "broke up"
-and writing more songs
-trying to try to make a band with some friends that will be super devoted (anybody want in lets talk)
-listening to new music i found like this couple of bands Dakona and Silverstein
-just hanging out and going to disneyland

so how has this blogging world been?


Jaclyn Parker said...

i'll be in your band!!! i might be getting a new Pearl set soon!

by the way, thanks for blogging!

kayla rae said...

We miss you, for sure.
I love Disneyland! So fun!