Monday, September 1, 2008


well in case you didnt know...rachel doesnt really like horror movies...or anything sorta scarry so......i have been catching up on some while she has been in they are...which are your favorites?

and lastly

so what are your favorites???

Auburn Soccer Camp...not so much

i have only one comment on this video....she plays soccer? and she made it through Auburn Soccer Camp ahahaahaha ok im done

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

im blogging
love taylor

haha ps.....nvm just ask me

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yeah so i am really bored.....why not blog???
ok so list of things I've been up too:
-playing bass and guitar
-learning to sing
-writing songs
-trying to get this so called band "Seven Years Apart" going and together but well if we were together we could say we "broke up"
-and writing more songs
-trying to try to make a band with some friends that will be super devoted (anybody want in lets talk)
-listening to new music i found like this couple of bands Dakona and Silverstein
-just hanging out and going to disneyland

so how has this blogging world been?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

im not back, just bored

yeah so its about 3:41AM and the night before the HSM bowl and me and kyle are really bored and watching signs its ok but the fact that i ve seen it about125664184961 times before kills it

are you all happy now

there i blogged...dont get used to it
